Friday, February 4, 2011


  1. Lincoln frequently showed his dedication to improving the condition of African American's, as seen by the Emancipation Proclamation. (Doc A)

  2. Unlike other presidents, Lincoln was radical for his time in his occupation with the lives of the black population in America, primarily in his struggle against slavery (Doc A).

  3. Lincoln wanted to change people's mindsets regarding slavery and the treatment of African American people, which required a change to the Constitution.

  4. Lincoln's goal as president was to terminate the Civil War from happening. In order to achieve this goal, he was willing to fight for the abolishment of slavery (Doc A).

  5. Abraham Lincoln's presidential election and presidency was overshadowed by slavery. This often brought about more controversy between the North and the South, eventually leading to the Civil War(doc A).

  6. Unlike previous presidents, Lincoln did not disregard the topic of slavery; instead for the most part, he took a stance on slavery and the rights of free African Americans, such as the Emancipation Proclamation (Doc A).
