Sunday, February 6, 2011


  1. Labor unions and the improvement of laborer's conditions was very unorganized. Most workers had a common goal to improve working conditions but they did not have any strong leadership to actually make progress.

  2. The effort made by labor unions to regulate and improve the workplace proved mostly ineffective due to the lack of leadership, focus, and common goals among the different groups (Doc Taylor).

  3. During the Progressive Era, various labor unions emerged in response to different aspects of the American labor force, which led to confusion and a conflict of interests (Doc A).

  4. Labor unions were largely ineffective because of a lack of leadership involved. Without a strong and committed leader, they were not able to achieve their goals (Doc A).

  5. Throughout the late 1800's multiple labor unions formed, each having their own beleifs on how they could change society and restrictions on who could join. With so many different unions that had many different ideas, the workers could not unite into a powerful and influential force to better themselves. (Doc A)
