Sunday, February 6, 2011


  1. Anti-Chinese sentiments grew on the west coast as more and more immigrants sailed in and started to take up jobs. Nativists pushed back by creating ways to Americanize these workplaces, hoping to push the new immigrants out of the country (Doc Becca).

  2. Sinophobia was a leading cause of the Chinese Exclusion Act (Doc A).

  3. When the Chinese came to America they frequently took American's jobs and thus Anti-Chinese sentiment grew rapidly, eventually leading to the Chinese Exclusion Act (Doc A).

  4. When the Chinese immigrated to America, they would go to California because there were more available jobs for them. This angered the Californians because they would lose jobs to the Chinese, who would be paid less for work. This lead to the Chinese Exclusion Act, which suspended Chinese immigration into America(Doc A).
